INRETED, primer taller territorial sobre la introducción de los resultados de tesis doctorales en la práctica en salud



INRETED, first territorial workshop on the introduction of doctoral theses results in health practice
INRETED, primer taller territorial sobre la introducción de los resultados de tesis doctorales en la práctica en salud


Liuba González Espangle1*

Frey Vega Verane2


1Postgraduate Studies Office, University of Medical Sciences. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.

2Faculty of Medicine No. 1, University of Medical Sciences. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.


*Author for correspondence. E-mail:



 Received: 24/04/2023

Accepted: 05/05/2023


The science and technological innovation pattern that is developed in the Cuban university system has its genesis in the links of academic excellence, the significance and the social impact of University in society, and has a deep sense of interactivity that is funded by the introduction of scientific results.(1,2)
By the way, the implementation of the results derived from biomedical investigations, along with the advance of science and technique, has imposed a challenge to investigators, workers and executives of health policies.(3,4) In that context it is necessary that reached results have a logical and rigorous concatenation of phases or tasks that do not finish when presenting the investigation, but also imply, their introduction in practice, as a phase of socialization and systematization.
It is necessary to add that the success of all scientific-investigative activity is sustained in the investigator's purpose to plan and organize it consciously for the transformation and improvement of reality; hence arises the relationship between the design of the investigation, the investigator's work and the introduction of results (the socialization of the latter).(2)
In that order of ideas, there are 76 science doctors and a higher number of doctoral theses in the University of Medical Sciences from Santiago de Cuba, so that it is indispensable to know what has happened with these contributions, which has been their introduction level and if the social problem that generated the investigation has been modified to a certain extent; in other words, to what extent the results of these investigations have meant life quality.
On the other hand, and as part of the institutional strategy of scientific degree, this house of higher studies counts with Carlos J. Finlay School of Doctoral Education whose objective is to offer an option for the development of scientific skills and innovation capacities and the transfer of knowledge to society. The fundamental challenge in this sense has been to conceive the doctoral education as a process centered on investigation and technological innovation for the improvement of academic processes and, at the same time, for the improvement in care to vulnerable groups.
Then, it was considered the necessity to communicate up to which extent the results of the scientific degree thesis of doctors in the University of Medical Sciences from Santiago de Cuba have been introduced in the practice and, at the same time, to observe the understanding level of students from this school, on the imperative of conceiving an investigation which essential purpose is to improve the life quality of the population.
In consequence, it was decided to carry out an academic-scientific event as workshop(5) aimed at knowing and disclosing the medical, social and economic significance of these doctoral theses and of developing topics (master´s degree and doctorate). The name that distinguished this meeting was INRETED-2022, which was organized and implemented in virtual and on-campus modalities, during the first three days of December, 2022 in the Medical University – Santiago de Cuba.
Although the INRETED-2022 workshop was carried out as conclusive scientific forum, courses before, during and after the event were also delivered, in which 22 professors participated, among them 16 doctors in sciences from Santiago de Cuba (11), Havana (3), Villa Clara (1) and Sancti Spíritus (1) provinces.
The thematic of those courses included, in general way, the process of doctoral education. In relation to the course participants, it could be verified that there were more than 900, with a prevalence of the investigators, doctors, applicants and doctors in sciences. Also, the courses “The care and its technologies” and “Investigations in Health Systems and Services from the evaluation of sanitary technologies” were notable, imparted by DSc. Osmany Alonso Ayala (117 participants) and DSc. Irela Yolaidis Pérez Andrés (83 in the on-campus modality and 35 in the virtual one), respectively. There were also professors that delivered two courses, as Doctor Alonso that represents the nursing specialty for the doctoral program of biomedical sciences in Havana, and DSc. Frey Vega Veranes, with his lessons on scientific writing that today constitutes one of strategies in this Training School.
The workshop also included 95 delegates in the on-campus modality and 56 in the virtual one, who presented reports in their majority (70 in the first modality and 38 in second, for 72.2 and 67.9%, respectively). It is valid to highlight that 47 doctors in sciences of different Cuban provinces and, also, a special participant from Ghana socialized the results of their theses, as well as the doctors and applicants with their doctoral topics.
The scientific program included, among other academic benefits, three master conferences: one in the inauguration, titled “The Carlos J Finlay School for doctoral training and its scientific management in training doctors in sciences”, in charge of the Organizing Committee president, DSc. Liuba González Espangler; and two the closing day, “Impact of the doctoral theses of  biomedical sciences in the solution of health problems”, by DSc. Frey Vega Veranes from the Faculty of Medicine No. 1, and “Quality management in doctoral training: challenges and projections”, by the doctors of sciences Idalberto Senú González and María Nitza Bonne Gali from University of Oriente.
The central subjects were divided in two big groups for the scientific debate, that of education sciences (the topics of medical education and the pedagogical ones) and that of health sciences (works related to medical, stomatologic, nursing sciences and health topics). In both spaces a deep exchange was sustained that revealed the importance of contributions and the transforming senses that assures the introduction of thesis results.
Therefore, in the first day of the workshop the learning was achieved by means of a theory and practice multiplying link; it constituted a developing process in which doctors, applicants and investigators showed the growth of professional competence in specific matters. The second day was for the presentations of doctoral theses and their impacts in health practice; moment of great expectation for presenters and participants because it constituted an entire educational exercise where doctors in sciences showed, besides the results of their theses, their investigative and talkative skills for such an end.
The closing was appropriate to recognize those whose contributions to the doctoral education have been outstanding, that is: PhD. Homero Fuentes González, PhD. Clemente Couso Seoane, PhD. María Eugenia García Céspedes; it was also notable the excellence of the Doctorate Program of basic, preclinical and clinical sciences. Those personalities and the program are outstanding expressions of how to introduce the scientific results in the practice.
The demands that outline the new challenges for the XXI century promote the necessity to put into practice the scientific results in health to guarantee the life quality of vulnerable groups and, with it, to qualify the care to the person in their environment.(6)
Lastly, it is opportune to emphasize in the importance of socializing experiences and learning in events of this nature, as well as motivating the realization of similar scientific spaces in the coming years and in other university institutions.





1. Rodríguez Batista A, Núñez Jover JR. El sistema de ciencia, tecnología e innovación y la actualización del modelo de desarrollo económico de Cuba. Universidad y Sociedad, 2021 [cited 10/04/2023];13(4):7-19. Available from:
2. Ponce de León Narváez RM. Contribución a la gestión de la introducción de resultados científicos. Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Matanzas [dissertation]. La Habana: Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana; 2020 [cited 10/04/2023]. Available from:
3. Ponce de León Narváez RM, Hernández Nariño A, Díaz Díaz AA, Valcárcel Izquierdo N. Introducción de resultados científicos: bases teórico-metodológicas para su mejora en la educación médica. Rev Med Electrón. 2021 [cited 10/04/2023];43(3). Available from:
4. Cintra Lugones AL, Céspedes Acuña JE. La introducción de resultados científicos desde la concepción de una maestría. Didáctica y Educación. 2017 [cited 22/03/2023];8(7). Available from:
5. Corporación Universitaria Remington. Manual de eventos académicos. Medellín: UniRemington; 2018 [cited 22/03/2023]. Available from:
6. Boza Oramas Y, Escribano Hervis E, Keeling Álvarez M. La investigación educativa y la socialización de resultados en la escuela cubana actual. Emerging Trends in Education. 2021 [cited 22/03/2023];4(7).Available from:



Conflict of interests

The authors of this article declare that they have no conflict of interests.


Authors’ contributions  

Liuba González Espangler: Conceptualization, visualization, writing-reviewing and editing. Contribution: 60 %.

Frey Vega Veranes: Writing-reviewing and editing. Contribution: 40 %.

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