Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of patients with metabolic syndrome

Josefa Bell Castillo, Wilberto George Carrión, María Eugenia Garcia Céspedes, María de Jesús George Bell, Jorge Manuel Gallego Galano


 Introduction: The metabolic syndrome is defined by the presence of obesity, fundamentally central, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and dyslipidemia; Objective: To characterize patients with metabolic syndrome from the clinical and epidemiological points of view.Methods: A descriptive and prospective study of 640 patients with metabolic syndrome was carried out, who were admitted to Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso Teaching General Hospital from Santiago de Cuba during 2019. Information was statistically processed and analyzed; through the SPSS 11.5.1 program, by using the percentage as summary measure for qualitative variables.Results: In the serie, 26.8% of the patients belonged to the age group 40-49, and 53,0% were of female sex. Likewise, diabetes mellitus and hypertension were the associated diseases in 22,3 y 22,2 % of the patients, respectively, while 67,7 % had a saturated fats diet. Social drinkers were identified in 53,0 % of cases, and the heavy smokers in 47.0 %.Conclusions: Personal and family associated diseases prevailed as associated personal and family diseases, what shows the closed relationship between them and the metabolic syndrome. Health promotion and education should be considered in patients with metabolic syndrome from the primary care, as well as the distribution of medical care for this group of hospital institutions, to prevent and control risk factors related to its emergence.

Palabras clave

metabolic síndrome; diabetes mellitus; hypertension.


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